F100-L MICROPROCESSOR F100-L MICROPROCESSOR The F100-L is a single address, single accumulator, fixed word length central processor, The word length is 16-bit, with 2s complement fixed point arithmetic. The address range is 32, 768 words and bipolar technology enables fast instruction times of 3 to 4 microseconds. The data and address multiplexed bus enables the chip to be supplied in the universally standard 40 pin ceramic dual in-line package. The device operates from a single 5V supply and is fully TTL compatible, operating from a single phase clock. The device functions over the military temperature range 55 to +125C and a programme to enable release to BS 9000 is in progress. SPECIAL OMA CMA MEMORY PROCESSING PERIPHERAL PERIPHERAL MAPPED UNIT 1/0 DATA REQUE st INTERFACE =p INTERFACE [-> _ INTERFACE INTERFACE PROGRAMME INTERRUPT REQUEST set PO SET Set Set F100-L INTERFACE | : : SET TERMINATED (BUFFER) | 1/0 BUS { INTERFACE INTERFACE INTERFACE OPTIONAL DEPENDING SET SET SET Ul ARAL T OF 110 BUS CTERISTICS CONTROL RAM ROM HANDSET Typical Svstem 5493 MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT CHIPS The microprocessor support chips are a family of devices designed to facilitate operation of the F100-L_ in complete computer systems. They include the following: F101-L Multiply-Divide (available late 1978) F111-L Control Interface (available now) F112-L Data Interface (available now) F113-L High Speed Memory Interface (available 1978) F114-L_ Low power Memory Interface (available 1978) ZN1001 Ciock Generator (available early 1978) SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE SUPPORT A complete set of soft ware and hardware support facilities for the F100-L are available and include the following: Cross Product Development Software Resident Development Software Coral 666 Compiler Sub-routine Library Hardware Test Programmes Processor Input/Output Cards Development Systems For further details of the F100L microprocessor family please contact : Microprocessor Marketing Unit, Ferranti Ltd., Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG121RA. Telephone: Bracknell (0344) 3232 Telex: 848117. 39